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Mon Jan 24th, 2022 @ 11:15pm

Lieutenant Torn Thoveh

Name Torn Thoveh

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Second Position Second Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Other than the obvious blue skin, white hair and antennae, Torn is wiry and muscular with broad shoulders.


Spouse Tiria
Children Sirin - Daughter
Father Tovor
Mother Tiraa
Brother(s) Byn

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rarely jokes, usually very serious. Stern and somewhat unyielding when it comes to security matters.
Ambitions Torn fully expects to reach the rank of captain and to one day command his own ship.
Hobbies & Interests He has several traditional musical instruments including the hyperblat and flabbjellah, but due to the Andorian ability to excel at performance arts, he has also gathered some other musical instruments such as a guitar, mandolin, Vulcan lute, and one point of contention for his next door neighbors, bagpipes. He enjoys writing songs and playing them. He is also rather adept at poetry.

Personal History Torn was born in 2342 on Andor. His father served in the Imperial Guard, bringing much respect to the family, his mother was a celebrated artist known for her paintings.

Torn and his brothers grew up with the standard Andorian training, very militaristic, but also highly technical. All three brothers wanted nothing more than to follow in their father's footsteps by serving in the Imperial Guard, however, three weeks into the training/tryouts, Torn's left leg was seriously injured. It was able to be fixed, but would make him suffer an occasional "hitch" in that knee. It knocked him out of the process indefinitely.

He was angered, to be certain, but the drive to make his parents proud of his accomplishments kept pushing him for alternatives. He settled on Starfleet and vowed to one day command his own starship, something that should certainly make his parents proud. His academic scores made him a shoe-in for the academy.

Upon graduation, he was posted to the USS Valdemar and did, in fact, make a name for himself while performing his duties. By the time he'd been promoted to Lt. (j.g.) he'd received several commendations while in the performance of his duties, although his department heads have noted, on several occasions, how he seemed to be overly strict regarding regulations. While no one would actually reprimand him for following regulations, it has been discussed with him more than once that he could stand to...lighten up a bit.

His continued performance saw him promoted quickly to Lieutenant and, soon after, a transfer to the USS Protean as the Chief Security Officer.
Service Record 2365 - 2369: Starfleet Academy
2369: USS Valdemar, Security Officer, Ensign
2371: USS Valdemar, Security Officer, Lt. (j.g.)
2374: USS Valdemar, Ass. Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant
2375: USS Protean, Chief Security Officer, Lieutenant