Master Warrant Officer Darci Galano

Name Darci Galano

Position Assistant Chief Counselor

Rank Master Warrant Officer

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight 138 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown


Spouse Gemma Prinzi
Father Marnili
Mother Lemora

Personality & Traits

General Overview Free spirited, makes friends easily and attracts people from all walks of life. Disciplined and focused.
Hobbies & Interests Travel and adventure. She maintains an exercise program to keep her body in shape and limber.

Personal History Born 2344 in Città di Castello, Umbria, Italy, to Marnili, a warp field engineer, and Lemora, a Betazoid ambassador assigned to Earth. Her mother often had to go away on trips performing her duties which caused a great amount of distress in Darci, who was very close to her mother, most likely due to their Betazoid abilities. That's not to say that she didn't feel an immense amount of love for her father as well, but she shared a unique connection with Lemora.

While his wife was away on a four-month trip, Marnili mistook Darci's sadness as depression and sent her to counseling. While at first she was stand-offish, Darci actually began to enjoy her time in counseling. It gave her time to speak her mind freely without judgment. After two months, the counselor advised her Marnili that his daughter no longer needed counseling. The counseling did have a profound effect on Darci, however. Being able to speak openly to the counselor gave her more confidence in herself and helped to develop her free-spirited attitude.

Years later she would opt to attend the Starfleet Medical Academy. Three years in she realized that becoming a counselor in Starfleet meant that she would receive her medical degree, being a doctor first and a counselor second. She was not interested in the medical aspects outside of counseling and requested a transfer to warrant officer training. As her training at the academy had far surpassed the training enlisted personnel or warrant officers would receive, she attended the Starfleet Technical Services Academy's Warrant Officer Training for a period of seven months to instruct her on the more standardized training of Starfleet instead of the specialized training received at the Medical Academy.

She completed her training on Mars at the rank of Staff Warrant Officer and was assigned to the USS Nobel, an Olympic class vessel. Since warrant officers are highly specialized in their respective fields, Darci was qualified to serve as a counselor instead of an aide or assistant to the counseling staff. After seven years of exceptional service on the Nobel, she was promoted and transferred to the USS Protean in 2375.
Service Record 2364-2367: Starfleet Medical Academy
2367: Starfleet Technical Services Academy, Warrant Officer Training
2368-2375: USS Nobel, Counselor, Staff Warrant Officer
2375: USS Protean, Counselor, Master Warrant Officer