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Mon Jun 19th, 2017 @ 5:35pm

Ensign Kutek Purs

Name Kutek Purs

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Ferengi
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 1 in.
Weight 152 lbs.
Hair Color N/A
Eye Color Black


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Troxor
Mother Aravil

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kutek was always seen as an outcast in Ferengi circles. He didn't take well to the Rules of Acquisition or the standards of greed and profit earning. His father ensured he was smart enough to make his own way in the world so he could ship him away as soon as possible. He was thought to be an embarrassment to Ferengi everywhere. He always got along more with humans.

Personal History Born 2355 on Ferenginar, he was raised to follow the Rules of Acquisition like all Ferengi, young and old. However, he started at a young age to question the Rules, wondering why it was right to want to cheat other beings at every turn. The questioning didn't stop and his own father determined that he was an embarrassment to the Ferengi name. The one good thing his parents did do for him was to make sure he got a good education, but it was with a hidden motive: to make sure he could fare well on his own at adulthood so he could get as far away from Ferenginar as possible.

At 17 years of age, he was sent directly to Starfleet Academy. His father thought it would be the best bet in ensuring he wasn't around anymore, knowing he would likely be placed on a ship and sent far away. Kutek made the best of his circumstances, made several friends at the academy, and was happier away from his family. He was a successful student and was posted to the USS Protean, and soon became the Asst. Chief Engineer.
Service Record 2372-2376: Starfleet Academy
2376: USS Protean, Engineering Officer, Ensign
2377: USS Protean, Asst. Chief Engineering Officer, Ensign